Are you paying for online advertising or marketing? If you answered YES, answer this one.. Are you tracking your website traffic properly?

This is a HUGE mistake and misstep many brands make, especially when you’re trying to really make a name for yourself and experience growth within your brand! Before launching your website, there should be a series of quality control checks done – including making sure that your traffic is being measured and tracked properly (via Google Analytics). Google Analytics will track every bit of traffic information very easily for you, and will give you the necessary data to help you and your business succeed.

Setting up a Google Analytics account takes less than 5 minutes to do and is completely FREE (does it get any better?).

So how does Google Analytics tracking help with your advertising or marketing? Let’s take the example of Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, etc). Let’s say you spend $2000/month for Social Media marketing and management but all you see are more Likes and Follows. Those are great but that doesn’t really mean a lot in terms of return on investment (ROI) for your business- WHAT exactly are those likes and follows doing for you? WHO are those people liking and following and WHERE are they coming from? When you are able to view in Google Analytics how much of your traffic is coming from Social Media sites & how much of the traffic from Social Media sites is producing sales or engagement; then you are able to determine your ROI and plan your Social Media posts strategically and keep the ROI rolling in! It might be time to evaluate your marketing budgets and make needed adjustments – ROI is the point of marketing in the first place.

Continue reading about Google Analytics and 5 other important Google products you should be using for your business here.
