YouTube is another great outlet for showcasing your brand and expanding your audience. Not only does YouTube help your SEO strategy & Google rankings, but it’s a different avenue of marketing into a wide community of people. As visual content is on the steady rise, videos are more popular than ever. Optimizing your YouTube videos is important in making sure you get the most out of your investment.

Make sure your YouTube account (or channel) is optimized:
First and foremost, make sure your YouTube account is updated and accurate. More importantly, make sure it’s relevant to your brand and there’s no question who you are. Fill in the blanks YouTube gives you on your profile page – your location, links, etc.

Video content, length, & resolution:
Optimizing your YouTube videos is all boiled down to the content your putting out. Being original is KEY. Unique and different stands out, that’s how videos go viral. The ideal length for a YouTube video is on average between 2-4 minutes; keep it short and sweet. Resolution goes without saying; keep it high and clear!

Add a watermark or logo to your videos:
Whether it’s in the background as a translucent image, or a slide that pops up at the end- adding a watermark with your website or logo will only drive more traffic your way and put your name out there one more time.

Catering to those who don’t speak your language:
Adding subtitles or captions to your YouTube videos helps those who don’t speak your language get the message you’re trying to send. You wouldn’t want someone exiting your video because they can’t understand you. This is just an extra step but really goes the extra mile!

Including a URL in the video description:
Every video should include a description! To take it a step further, begin your description with the URL to your website. That way, even when the description is collapsed, your website will still be visible – hello traffic!

YouTube SEO:
Just like Google uses rankings to place your website, YouTube has its own system and algorithm for videos. These rankings are based on your title, description, tags, the number of views, the links and the ratings of your videos – don’t skip any of these steps and don’t forget your KEYWORDS! High rankings = more views.

Stock your library:
Keep your video library stocked with interesting content. Don’t stop at one video – keep creating on a regular basis! Loyal and new customers will be anticipating your next video masterpiece.

YouTube is not a trend, it’s here to stay. Creating videos and optimizing them in your favor is easy and beneficial. Following our tips for optimizing your YouTube videos is sure to put you on the red carpet to success. Lights, camera, action!