2016 is in full swing and we’re already seeing trends that are the future of social media. With new platforms and technology being developed at an astounding rate, the landscape is changing faster than ever before. Here is what’s on our radar at 101 Management for the coming year:

Welcome to 2016—the year video becomes more than simply a plethora of passing trends, but a way of life for both social media lovers and companies alike. Thanks to the accessibility of live-streaming platforms like Periscope, this real-time video-sharing platform is likely to dominate the live-stream market in the New Year. With social media giant Twitter behind the $100 million purchase, Periscope has the talent and muscle in place to help grow the service to more than a drop in the bucket, but a must-have for all media lovers.

The other video APP gaining traction this year is Snapchat. While it has been noted several times over that Millennials and younger users have been the first to embrace this popular photo and video messaging application, marketers are getting their feet wet by trying out different ad-campaigns aimed at users. The new advertising strategies are still in their infancy but at a reported over two-billion photo and video shares per day, Snapchat is no longer a trendy social media platform but a go to digital sharing source for the new generation.

buy buttons socialThe introduction of Pinterest and Facebook “BUY BUTTONS” in 2015 led the way for easier, faster ways to purchase on mobile devices. We are sure to see this expand to other Social Media platforms, especially on Instagram, where you can currently utilize this feature only with Instagram Ads. One click buy buttons will forever change the e-commerce world!

As Facebook pours money into the development of ways to keep users in their app for longer periods of time, we are sure to see huge strides in this in 2016. Instead of clicking through to read an article on a different website, users will have the ability to read full length articles on Facebook. We are especially excited about this, avoiding the fear of clicking on ads or spam sites!

While only time can tell the true fate of these exciting and new emerging technologies and trends, it shouldn’t stop you from going out and taking these for your own test drive.