A Tweet is only 140 characters – that’s a small window to attempt to make a big impact. Using Twitter and tweeting for your brand requires both time and effort in order to be effective. Twitter is a fast-paced platform, your tweets can get lost within mere seconds. To make your presence known on Twitter, there are a few tips to follow..

Be authentic:
Don’t tweet like a robot; use YOUR voice. Twitter users want to connect with other people. Put yourself in your followers’ shoes and think about how you would want to be tweeted to and do just that. In addition, tweet about other subjects besides your brand – expand into your passions & hobbies. Use this to build relationships and new networks!

Be communicative:
Retweeting and starring tweets is easy, and takes little or no effort – and that’s why you shouldn’t stop there. Communicate with your audience, as well as others’ audiences by commenting or giving a little blurb with your retweets. Go the extra mile (or character!). This develops and furthers connections via your social networks!

Be visual:
Visual content is everything, we can’t stress that enough over here at 101 Management! Your tweets are bound to be more effective when they contain a visual of what you’re trying to say. Insert a photo and call-to-action with most of your tweets to catch the eyes of your audience.

Be active:
You can’t tweet once a week and expect results. Twitter is fast-paced; you need to be active to keep up! Plan to tweet multiple times per day, that way you don’t get lost in the Twitter shuffle.

Tweeting for your brand doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require some effort and time. The ultimate goal is to be heard and seen across the Twitter network, which is HUGE and can help grow your relationships and networking base. Follow our tips or let 101 Management help you build your brand with Twitter!